Sign up below to get your FREE one-page guide to incorporating ritual (and with it, more magic and potency) into your work with herbal remedies.

Do you ever feel like there’s something missing when you take your herbs? Does it seem like your results are falling short of what you had hoped?

In my experience, RITUAL is the missing piece that can make a world of difference in the results we get from working with any plant remedy.

As some of you know, the other hat I wear in CannaBotanicals is as a transformational coach. I now work mostly with herbal entrepreneurs, but for a long time offered up my services as a wellness coach.


And one of the things that my clients said was the most effective for them was the addition of ritual and spellwork to their work with CBD and herbal remedies.


So I wanted to share with you one version of what that might look like. I highly recommend playing with this ritual whether you’re working with one of my hemp elixirs, or with any other remedy on your counter right now

Now, I know you’re busy. But the beauty of the Remedy Ritual is that it doesn’t have to take a lot of time.

And those of you thinking, that’s great and all but I can never remember to take my herbs (I see you, there!) — this practice can actually help you remember, which by itself makes a huge difference in your results.

Transformation through working with plants is possible, after all, this is the reason herbalism exists. And it happens every day — but for a lot of people the remedies they work with seem to fall flat.

The odds of success are vastly improved when we make conscious choices to a) work with old-fashioned remedies that our body recognizes, and b) activate the deep, primal part of ourselves that is hard-wired for ritual and the magic that comes with it.

Sign up below to get your FREE one-page guide to incorporating ritual (and with it, more magic and potency) into your work with herbal remedies.

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